Book awarded with the "21st International Cultural Award Trentino-Abruzzo Alto Adige" (Italian Government) in the "History Category"

Did you know about the existence of an ancient cover-up trying to stifle several facts of Middle Eastern history?

Did you know that all the conflicts in the Middle East have possible solutions? 

Most people do not realize the widely documented fact that an orchestrated cover-up started in the third century CE, strongly echoing in our days, with the objective of underestimate and overlook the role of Christians in (and from) the Middle East. 
That is culminating with the frightening prediction of their complete extermination in the area in the coming two or three decades. This award-winning book not only diagnoses the problems but also suggests several viable solutions, not only for the Christians but to all of the current conflicts in the Middle East, introducing the principle of “social consensualism” or consensus for coexistence.   

Foreword by Prof. Joseph A. Kéchichian, PhD, Senior Fellow at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Prof. Kéchichian is one of the world's leading scholars on Middle Eastern Ruling Families.  

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US$65 minimum (one autographed book + US domestic shipping)

US$80 minimum (one autographed book + International shipping)

US$100 minimum (two autographed books + US domestic shipping) 

* Your donation is Tax Deductible in the United States under the Internal Revenue Code 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)

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