The Official Website of the

We are very close to finalize the process of transforming the Royal House of Ghassan (currently an NGO accredited by the United Nations since 2016) as an IGO- Intergovernmental Organization. Our goal is to be an international organization that can support communities not only in the Middle East and Middle Eastern diaspora but all over the world. In that spirit, we created the WE. It stands for “The World Evolution initiative” presenting real solutions for major global problems, initially focusing on hunger, “green wealth”, and education. Learn more watching the video above 

​If you'd like to support the WE initiative as an individual or an organization, please contact our Grand Marshal at  

You can also make a tax deductible donation using this Paypal link  below 

Learn more about our activities watching the video above

IMPORTANTThe Royal House of Ghassan follows the customary monarchical tradition of non-interference in partisan politics and does not actively seek regime change in any country. On the contrary, the Ghassanid Princes sworn to serve the Middle Eastern people without asking anything in return continuing to fulfill their millennial role of serving as a bridge between the Middle East and the West

In Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council

Officially Recognized by the Government of the Lebanese Republic

Sovereign Imperial & Royal House of Ghassan